About Us

Enablement Therapy Services (ETS) takes great pride and enjoyment in their work and exercises client-centred, evidence-based, ethical practice. We accept private referrals in Hamilton and Haldimand, Ontario and surrounding area.

Occupational Therapy works to promote optimal function and independence in activities of daily living, including areas related to:

  • Prevention of de-conditioning and functional decline of clients for as long as possible
  • Restoring function when impaired by periodic injury, illness or other factors
  • Aging in place at home with a comprehensive Home Safety Assessment
  • Assessing and addressing seating and mobility, providing recommendations/prescriptions for wheelchairs and adaptive equipment as required (ADP authorized including walkers, wheelchairs, power wheelchair, scooters and specialized seating)
  • Assessing and recommending strategies and supports to manage cognitive deficits, behaviour management and complex dementia care in home or in long term care
  • Promoting safe and independent eating, dressing, bathing, feeding, and swallowing in home or institution
  • Addressing pressure injury prevention (“bed sores”) and treatment through appropriate seating and positioning, implementing pressure redistributing surfaces, safe transfer techniques, etc.
  • Assessing and recommending environmental modifications for improved accessibility (including falls prevention strategies)
  • Assessing, recommending and educating clients, families, staff and students on dementia care, back care, work injury prevention, safe client handling techniques, lifts and transfers training, ergonomics and body mechanics, wound prevention and management, falls prevention, ADP process and authorization, and OT scope of practice.

Meet Markie!

Markie can provide private-pay direct OT services in your home, your workplace, or virtually!


I’ve been lucky enough to travel and practice Occupational Therapy throughout Canada!

My name is Markie, I am a registered Occupational Therapist in Southern, Ontario, Canada. I have been an OT for 10 years and have been primarily practicing mobility and seating for 9 of those years! I’ve worked in several clinical settings including long term care, transition care, and a brief stint in in-patient and out-patient rehabilitation. I am now an independent contractor in the community. I am an ADP authorizer (Assistive Devices Program, Ontario) and an educator. 

I have a real passion for education – book me for a webinar, an in-person session, or to speak at a conference! Topics vary including but not limited to: Mobility and seating MAT assessment for beginners and novice; Mobility and seating ADP program basics for beginners; How to choose wheelchair seating (cushion and backrest); How to choose an appropriate therapeutic surface (mattresses, overlays, cushions) including education on pressure injuries; Safe client handling and MSK injury prevention (including on-site sign-offs of each participant); Ergonomic set-up at home and work; and related topics. 

The population is growing and the number of people with disabilities is growing – the healthcare industry needs to grow with it! I take it upon myself in my professional role to investigate the current climate for clients and do what I can to update the healthcare system through education, advocacy, and innovative solutions. For instance, I have wheelchair measurement calipers now available to improve accuracy and efficiency in wheelchair assessment – check them out on the “products” page!


Markie is an active member of the scientific community and publishes when time permits. View two of her publications below!

Transformational leadership at point of care: Approaches and outcomes in a long-term care setting.

Karimi, B., Mills, J., Calvert, E., & Ryckman, M. (2017). Transformational leadership at point of care: Approaches and outcomes in a long-term care setting. Canadian Nursing Home, 28(1), 4-7.

All long-term care homes employ an identifiable style of staff leadership – an imperative in all health-care environments. Some of these styles of leadership include ‘authoritarian’ or ‘autocratic’, ‘laissez-faire’, ‘transactional’, ‘democratic’, and ‘affiliative’. A more recent style, called ‘transformational leadership’ occurs when a leader works with front-line staff to identify needed change, creation a vision to guide the change through staff inspiration, and executing the change in tandem with committed members of the team. Recently, St. Peter’s Residence at Chedoke in Hamilton, Ontario, a large long-term care home, implemented a ‘transformational leadership’ approach to resident care. This journey is described in detail, along with the basic characteristics of Transformational Leadership.

Targeting the globe: Internationalisation in occupational therapy education.

Shimmell, L.,Al-Helo, H., Demille, K., Kandel-Lieberman, D., Kremenovic, M., Roorda, K., Ryckman, M., Bressler, S., Ledgerd, R. & Baptiste, S. (2016). Targeting the globe: internationalisation in occupational therapy education. World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin, 72(1), 16-23, doi: 10.1080/14473828.2016.1149980

Through international placements, student occupational therapists (SOTs) provide direct services and consultation with communities, organisations and local governments. SOTs work with international partners to assess needs, develop new programs, and adopt new practices. SOTs support individuals and groups to build and sustain capacity in health, function and rehabilitation. However, more comprehensive preparation of SOTs for international involvement is required. The objectives of this paper are: (a) to develop recommendations for best practice for the educational preparation of globally bound SOTs; (b) to disseminate findings that reflect global and culturally sensitive perspectives; and (c) to provide recommendations that support engagement in international placement learning. The World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) assisted in connecting the investigators and participating countries. Data analyses outlined clear trends related to strengths and gaps in student preparation. Ongoing development of international clinical education resources and partnerships is needed to support dynamic and sustainable global learning in occupational therapy.